Professor Marco Rivera awarded the “Best Paper Award for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronic” by the IEEE, the Industrial Electronics Society, for the paper entitled
“Finite-Set Model Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating with
Fixed Switching Frequency, “IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol 65, No. 5, May
2018, pp. 3954-3965.

The team formed by Professor Marco Rivera along with the rest of the authors
Felipe Donoso, Andres Mora, Roberto Cardenas, Alejandro Angulo, Doris Saez, has won the prestigious Best Paper Award for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronic “by the IEEE, the Industrial Society of Electronics, for the paper entitled” Finite-Set Model Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating with Fixed Switching Frequency, “IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol 65, No. 5, May
2018, pp. 3954-3965.

This award is given to the best paper published by the magazine, and has been awarded among more than 1000 papers.