The Professor of the Faculty of Engineering, Marco Rivera, has been appointed as a Counselor to the Council of Civil Society of the Ministry of Energy (COSOC), for the period 2018-2019. The COSOC is an advisory body, of an advisory nature and composed of different relevant actors of civil society, including non-governmental organizations, social organizations, associations of companies in the electricity sector and universities. It is a citizen participation mechanism created by Law 20500, which allows the community to incorporate itself into the design and implementation of public policies and their regulatory development. In this regard, it should be noted that the Ministry of Energy has actively incorporated the Board into its institutional structure, increasing standards of participation in its work.
It should be noted that this is an important opportunity for the University of Talca to contribute ideas that allow incorporating community concerns into the country’s energy development, aspiring to a new collaborative way of promoting public policies as relevant as energy, which legitimize the plans, programs and actions that are proposed by the Ministry and that reduce the conflictivity of the sector.